Sat 04 Jan
Mature , Busty, Blonde - WILLISTON.- back again! Hot Stones! -- 701 214- 6384- ---- Williston/ - 42
(Minot, WILLISTON N.D 10-16/10-20)
---++ -- --- -- ----- - - -- - - =--- blonde blue, and of Swedish dissent-701 658 7982 ------- ++- - 42
(Minot, ++----------WILLISTON ----------------42)
// // /(Complete relaxation) Private incall /Minot BUsTY Blonde 701-658 7982/ / / / / / / / / / / - 42
(Minot, 701-658-7982 -- -Minot Mino Minot- -)
Minot- HOt SWEdish WOMan (Complete relaxation) 36DDD Blonde 218-389-8170 Mature/ / - 39
(Minot, 218-389-8170-NORMAL----======= REAL MILF)
Thu 02 Jan